I can handle another night of Phish to be able to see my all time favorites such as Feist, The Avett Brothers, and most importantly, Bon Iver. And Ludacris?? I cannot wait to have flash backs to a little eighth grader named Christina who thought she was ghetto and wore her sweet sweat pants rolled up mid calf. Also looking forward to the Beach Boys. I had a brief obsession with them and the Jackson 5 in high school which was nothing short of random. They performed on the Grammy's this year to kick off their big Reunion/Fare Well Tour. It was sort of bitter sweet to watch. On one hand you're excited because a band you thought you'd never be able to see is giving you one last chance. At the same time however, they're old, therefore lacking the same vocal ability and energy that made them so good in their prime. I almost thought their opening acts covering their hits were more appealing. This especially rang true for Foster the People, who I will also be squishing between swarms of intoxicated sweaty people to see. By the way, did anyone who watched the Grammy's feel a little confused about the ads for a Skrillex performance? I swear there was a bunch in the beginning that seemed to disappear as the show went on. Needless to say, he may not have performed at the Grammy's but that's okay because he will be at Bonnaroo.
I'm kind of also excited to see Alice Cooper. As some of you may know, Mr Cooper has become a very popular radio DJ who seems to especially favor Pink Floyd these days. At one of my jobs, this is all I hear, ALL. DAY. LONG. I can tell you from experience that this is the last thing you want to be listening to after a break up with a guy who is obsessed with Roger Waters and David Gilmore. However, some how this corny dark voice has become so imprinted in my head, that it has me excited to see another artist way past his prime.
Some other bands I'll most certainly be seeing are Flogging Molly and Radiohead which has me thinking that the overall theme for Roo this year is "remember when...". Remember those two summers you spent every day poolside watching over people so disabled, it was required to wear a life vest, and blasting in the background was Dispatch on repeat while some little girl with a voice that exactly resembled a possessed Linda Blair screamed at people for no reason from the deep end? No? Just me?.... The show seems to be highlighting a lot of artists who have been around for a while. While there are a ton of new acts as well, no one really seems to stand out in a big way. That's fine with me though. One of my dearest of friends will be celebrating the dirtiest of 30. I think old prom dresses will be involved somewhere in the mix, making this quite the skip down memory lane. Not to mention the complete line up has still yet to be announced. Bonnaroo always throws in something big and magical last minute.
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