Monday, October 13, 2008


Ive been doing my usual amount of thinking too much lately. Today I thought about how many people there are in the world. There are so many people I will never meet or even cross paths with in my lifetime. There's people who my life won't even the slightest affect. For some reason this really bothers me. I once had a social studies teacher who said, "The only way to live forever is through other people." The sad part is that most of these people still "living" hundreds of years later were murder crazed dictators. All of us good folk got maybe 30 years of extra living if we're lucky. Anyways, I'm not trying to live forever through stories or what not, I just more so think its weird that there's people just like me out there who I will never get the chance of meeting. This also got me thinking about what if everyone knew everyone? I'm guessing there could only be maybe 1,000 people or so in this world. Things would certainly be different, but how would they be? I mean maybe one day humans will be a dying species and this won't be that far fetched.

anyway... i plan on still sharing my thoughts on music soon but for now enjoy my new myspace player. (there's only 10 songs)


Brodie said...

listen to Brian Eno's "How Many Worlds"


Courtney said...

I miss you greatly, but I do love your music player<3