Thursday, May 29, 2008

Politics (it had to happen eventually)

So I don't particularly like discussing politics because I feel 1. it's an argument waiting to happen and 2. it's a last resort topic that's too overplayed. Unfortunately I do think about it and therefore I'm going to quickly get this out of the way. There is a big chance I will not be voting this year. I've been saying this all year, and I still pretty much feel that way, especially since Cox and Kucinich were dropped out of the running. My reasoning is I'm not going to vote for people who go against what I believe is the direction this country should be going. Sure it would be great to have a black or female president, but it would not be great to have bad black or female president. Plus theres no way I'd vote republican. I feel to strongly about a change in how this country acts and thinks. My biggest one being to officially separate church and state. We live in a country filled with diversity and we need to start thinking for everyone, not just a select few. Ok, I feel like I'm getting into a rant which is what I did not want to do. I'm just saying I am not confident in our given candidates therefore I'm not going to vote for someone I'm not sure of. And please don't tell me that if I don't vote then I don't have a say on the outcome because I do. I can tell you right now that I am going to have a lot to say no matter the winner.

That aside... I'm moving out in less then 3 days! I'm mostly excited to get out of this jewish center. No more kids running down the hallways on weekends during Sabbath! And no more kids screaming outside from the preschool! And no more shitty shared bathrooms! And no more setting off the fire alarms because I am trying to cook a wholesome meal on my makeshift stove top! Pretty much... no more cheap ass crappy living conditions! This next year is going to be awesome with all my roommates and everyone living so close!

Also, Bonnaroo is in 2 weeks today! We already have a lot of booze and other substances to keep us busy. I'm trying some things for the first time which I am excited about! And we are camping out at walmart the night before which I hear is one of the best nights the whole weekend!

Pretty much, these next few weeks are going to be AWESOME.

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